Camping characters in a campground near you


We love our people. We love camping. Why not go camping with people?! Seriously, what could go wrong?

Spending time with friends and family creates wonderful memories. But between personality clashes, tight spaces in RV hallways and camping inexperience, your dream trip can become a nightmare. Do you know these personality types? ARE you any of these types?

No Boundaries Bob – Bob likes to snoop. Nothing says ‘friendship’ to Bob like borrowing your camp equipment without asking. Bob likes to make his presence known by waltzing in without knocking, just opening the cabin door or lifting the tent flap – surprise! Bob thinks no food tastes so good as that which someone else has brought or prepared. Bob would make Mother Theresa tired.

Noisy Nora – Nora has one volume: LOUD. She loves what she calls music and blares it at all hours. Nora never closes what can be slammed nor sets down what can be dropped with a clang. She bellows like a bull moose across the campsite morning, noon, and night. No wildlife can coexist within five miles of Nora, and judging from the poisonous looks of the campers nearby, neither can the humans for long.

Lazy Lou – You know this guy: when it’s time to pound tent stakes, Lou is telling an hilarious story, he’ll be with you in a minute. When it’s time to grill, Lou is taking a nap. When it’s time to clean up camp, Lou is running an errand. Lou’s idea of pitching in is gracing you with his company. He likes to be taken care of. At a restaurant, Lou is the guy in the restroom when the check comes.

Stu the Slob – Even Charlie Brown had his Pigpen. Stu doesn’t necessarily mean to be a slob, he just is. His is the plastic wrap that sails on the breeze, the fish guts you cleaned up (because who knew cleaning fish on the picnic table was a bad idea?), and the piles of detritus that constitute Stu the Camper. The piles. And piles. Of detritus. Stu wants to be a good camper but he doesn’t see the big picture. You tell yourself this over and over as you trip over his camp gear or carry his trash to the dumpster.

So what to do about these types of campers?

  1. First of all, be patient. We all come with our foibles, and putting up with others as they put up with us is the human condition.
  2. Share the camp rules. Assume that not everyone knows where to clean fish, or not to barge into someone else’s RV, or that there are quiet times in camp when noise is frowned upon.
  3. Set some of your own group rules. Will you take turns cooking? Will you share food? When will you do camp cleanup and is everyone meant to pitch in? It’s much easier to establish rules in the beginning – before anyone’s broken them – than it is to correct someone after.
  4. If all else fails, have everyone in your group read this blog. But beware: Stu the Slob may think YOU’RE the Noisy Nora.

Humility is a rare gift.

For more on camping etiquette, visit  We hope you join us soon – with or without Lazy Lou!

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