Camping & Gardening – Have Garden, Will Travel

RV camping is wonderful: the freedom of a different view out the window, waking up to the sound of bird calls instead of sirens, and breathing fresh, clean air instead of pollution. But if you’re a gardener, now is when you might be missing your home garden. Have you considered taking it with you?

Container gardening is a growing trend – it limits pests and weeds, allows you to get a lot out of a little space, and gives you the flexibility to move plants out of harm’s way or into better light. Container gardening isn’t just handy; in an RV, it’s essential if you want just-picked freshness in limited space.

Where would you put the containers? Well, consider hanging a small herb garden over the sink. Herbs are lightweight, it keeps your counter space free, and when you water them, excess water runs right into the sink. How lovely will that fresh catch taste when grilled with a sprig or two of fresh rosemary from your herb garden? Or sprinkle some of your fresh tomatoes with chopped basil grown right there in the kitchen window. Rosemary, basil, oregano and mint are examples of great, easy-to-grow herbs that can make your good food exceptional.

You can grow small plants in over-the-door canvas shoe holders. Vertical space on an RV door keeps them out of the walkway or off counters, and you can hang it outside from rings on your awning to get more sun when you’re in the campground. For plants in regular pots, mix potting soil with Styrofoam beads to lighten them up for moving back and forth (and lightweight everything is key to saving on RV fuel). Just pop them outside in a sunny spot whenever you’re camped. Voila, a portable garden!

You can also find window boxes made for RV-sized windows, or portable planter boxes that fit on your RV’s bumper. Tomatoes, peppers and strawberries are a few plants that grow well in containers, not to mention endless varieties of flowers. Here’s a great how-to link on a homemade bumper box garden, along with other great RV gardening tips:


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